Friday, July 1, 2011

The Danger Signs

In relation to my previous blog entry, The Pre-Marital. I will discuss the danger signals that both parties should evaluate during the earlier stages. The stages that I am talking about is during the acquaintance, courtship and going steady. Both parties should evaluate or study each other especially during thee courting stage.

The Bible says In Matthew 19:4-6, in The Message Translation (MSG)

He answered, "Haven't you read in your Bible that the Creator originally made man and woman for each other, male and female? And because of this, a man leaves father and mother and is firmly bonded to his wife, becoming one flesh—no longer two bodies but one. Because God created this organic union of the two sexes, no one should desecrate his art by cutting them apart."

I know God does not want you to be married with the wrong person so, study and evaluate the person thoroughly. Does this person only love you because of sex? Money? Study the way they act and how they react to things. Does the person smoke weed? Is that person an alcoholic? Can I endure this?

The Bible said, ..... “no one should desecrate his art by cutting them apart.” Which means that God does not want anyone that has become one to become two bodies again.

To help prevent these unwanted separations, it can be avoided through taking note of these danger signs.

So, here are the top thirteen danger signals:
1. Mental Impairment
2. Emotional instability
3. Excessive Jealousy
4. Angry disposition
5. Substance related disorder
6. Alcohol addiction
7. Personality change
8. Double personality
9. Anxiety disorder
10. Sexual identity disorder
11. Impulse control disorder
12. Anti-social personality
13. Impulse control disorder

These signs could already be sensed during the early stages. If these danger signs are evident to your partner. Ask yourself if you could bear with it. Weigh it, and know how much love could cover those disorders.

Remember this, do not ever start something with the person or break up with him or her.

If you think that you’ll just end up breaking up. Do not ever start anything. I will always remind everyone and repeat this over and over.  That divorce is a painful process. It could cost your happiness and normal life especially when you really love the person. Moreover, it is very expensive.

Problems might lead to a painful divorce.

However, there are cases wherein some people love the other person so much even if the other party has disorders. They want to believe that the person could change. Their love to the person covers all the flaws of the other. They bear all the pain and still love that person more than anyone could. Some people think that they are stupid or martyr. But that is what I call, REAL AND UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.

But always remember, everything in excess is bad. If you’re always beaten or get hurt 24/7. Please Please have second thoughts. You are worth something.

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