This I’m sure sound so cliche, but I couldn’t have said it better.
Some people learn from their mistakes, but smart people learn from other people's mistakes
Today, I am going to start with my first entry to this series.
I’ve been saying on my previous blogs that divorce is something that a couple should think rationally about. They should not just decide compulsively. Divorce is a big thing. It could and would change your life then and there.
There are a lot of things a couple should consider before filing the divorce, or even thinking of filing one. There are ways to resolve things, and they should try everything before deciding on filing a divorce.
Always remember that divorce is always the last option.
Here is a story from about a woman who filed a divorce and still regret.
It's been three years and I still regret the divorce
Victoria was married for twenty years and they had two children together. Her daughter is 16 and son 23. His husband drank a lot during their marriage, went into an AA program, and during the program he had an affair. Victoria told him that she wanted a divorce. Now, she regret it because it's been 3 years and she still can't get over the divorce. His husband found someone else, they are living together and he says he is happier than he ever has been (which hurts her even more). She is in DivoceCare, goes to Church and believe in God. She have days where she is OK, but she thinks of the time she spent with him and it hurts. She considers herself as an intelligent person, so why can't she get over this?
My say in this situation is that regret is always at the end. So, what can I say to you is that everything happens for a reason and just to make you feel better, remember why you thought of filing a divorce, and why you did.
I believe that you are a strong and an intelligent person. You had suffered enough with him, and it is time for you to be happy. You have said that he drank a lot during the marriage, and also had an affair. That having been said, is enough reason to be separated with him. To end the suffering and emotional pain.
Another tip is find other things to do. Divert your thoughts, and find something that could be fulfilling to do.
Remember this, you deserve to be happy and he is not even worth it. He has moved on, and it is your time to move on as well. Be happy with what you have. You still have two beautiful children who loves you.
It does not matter if you become happy alone, or with a new man. But as long as your happy, and you know you are. Everything is well.
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